Writers & Artists have published a piece I wrote called 'Should You Really be a Writer?' It's a collection of my thoughts on the differences between writing out of passion and writing out of a desire to be famous / rich / just like your favourite author. It's something I care about and something I feel can trap people if they're not careful. Give it a read and let me know what you think.
I also have a guest post up on Kat Ellis' blog that you can read HERE. This one's about what it was like to be offered a two-book deal right from the get go, and what it looks like to write a book that's already under contract. Kat was also good enough to write about her path to publication, and balancing UK and U.S. edits, right here - it's the post below this one (or HERE).

Really liked/agreed with the article. I think a few people do "make it" because they've wanted money and jumped on a bandwagon, but precious few, and a) they prove to be passing fads (I'm thinking of the huge surge in erotica writers) and b) I can't imagine it would be anywhere near as fulfilling. People have to understand writing is hard work not just imagination. You see that with people who send abusive messages to the first agent who rejects them. You might dream of being Olympic champion, but if you're not prepared to put your body through 12 or more training sessions a week you're not going to be! And to do that to yourself you need to love it!
ReplyDeleteThe training analogy is good, I agree. Everyone wants the gold but far fewer want the dark evening at the track.