
Bridge - The Fifth Eren Tale

Happy to share that the fifth Eren Tale, Bridge, is now live. You can read it by clicking HERE or visiting www.erentales.com.

As always, Brandon's provided some fantastic art for the story. Behold!

We're five tales in now, with the sixth due to come out next month on the same say as Eren (September 18). It's immensely satisfying to see the whole project coming together and gathering pace - and we still have a good six months to go.

So, please do go check out the story, enjoy the art, and have a look around the Eren Tales site. I'm pretty proud of what we're doing, and can't wait to share more stories with you all.

They told you to climb the mountain, and to shout your story to the wind.


  1. I think this is my favourite tale so far. The photography is brilliant - I could really imagine the setting and the cold. On the whole I think Lia made a bad life choice.

    1. Glad you enjoyed. Yeah, it's a wonderful photo - from Scotland!
