On that topic, it's important I announce here that the competition I ran the other week - the book giveaway - is not going ahead. Instead, the money I would have spent has gone to Sandy relief. I feel OK doing this since nobody who entered had to put themselves out; it was retweets and blog comments to enter. If you want to discuss the morals of this, get in touch. Otherwise, no 'winner' when so many have lost so much.
News to be shared: My short story, THE STORYTELLER'S JIG, is going to be published. Coming from Indigo Ink Press next May, Modern Grimmoire is an anthology of modern fairy tales in the style of the Brothers Grimm. I'm very pleased to have my story included. It's a strange little piece, but I'm proud of it, and having others read it only makes me even happier. A full list of the other contributors can be found here.

A small change to the blog, too. There's now a Short Stories page, just to the left of this. Wanting to make more of my writing available, and to collect the various blog chain pieces I have. Feel free to read the stories.
I'm also taking part in Kelsey Is Writing's #SipSwap funpalooza - a great bloggy adventure (blogventure?) where you give a mug to get a mug from various kooky and quirky people around the U.S. Already have a great idea for the mug I'll be sharing - what will I be getting in return? Do check out her blog - she's a writer with real passion and a great handle on how it works in a community. Go, read.
So, much on at the moment, and the WIP progresses nicely, too. Still no title. Hmm.
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