
Donors Choose and The Bent Agency

Jenny Bent of The Bent Agency (the self-same agency I am writing the redraft of EREN for) posted this recently.Well worth a share, and I'm sure every little helps. All writers should be thankful for the education and chances we've received to enable us to get where we are, and it's worth remembering how small changes early on in children's lives can have an incredible impact down the line. The writers of tomorrow still needs books and pens today.

Here's the text in full, for those who don't want to click!

Please help high risk and special needs students

If you follow me on twitter, you may know that I support a charity called DONORS CHOOSE, which supports teachers in underfunded public schools. The teachers post wish lists of things they vitally need in their classrooms and if their projects get funded, they get their supplies. Some of these students can't afford to bring even the most basic items like paper or pencils to school, so helping them makes a huge difference in their lives.

For the next week, Donors Choose has given me a code which will automatically double your donation to this great cause. Simply type in JENNYB at check-out, and your donation is doubled.

I've created a community page here, targeting special needs, high risk classrooms in Brooklyn. These special needs kids really need our help--they are working with so many strikes against them already, and even a very small donation can make a big impact in their lives. And for the next week, until the projects are funded, the first five donations of $200 or more will receive a query critique and 30 minute phone consult from me. Smaller donations will earn my eternal gratitude--remember, there is no donation too small. Even a dollar will help and will be automatically doubled.

Here is the link. Email me at info@thebentagency.com with the link to your donation to collect your critique.


Don't forget to use code: JENNYB and double the donation!

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