
First Blog Award!

My thanks go out today to J.W. Alden for giving Plottypus its first award! The Liebster Award, I learn, 'has been traditionally awarded to honour those blogs which motivate and inspire us. It is also granted to those blog authors who have accumulated 200 followers or less. Its purpose is to summon new followers and increase awareness of other noteworthy blogs.'

Well, what a fantastic idea, and I'm thrilled to be thought of. You should totally go check out his blog. I will be passing the award on to a couple of my favourite bloggers in time, but for now I'm going to hold back while I put some thought into it. There are many great bloggers out there and it's really cool to see community being built like this. Thanks to everyone!

In other, non-awardy, book news, I have added a couple of scenes following feedback, and couldn't be happier with how it's all going. 

Also, check THIS link out for some real home truths about being a writer, and what rubbish 'writers' block' is. Warning - language and adult content may be involved. 


  1. Hello! Congratulations on your first blog award. You don't know me, but your blog was brought to my attention by my sister-in-law Naomi Marklew - who I believe you went to university with when she was Naomi Banks - as I too am a writer.

    I just read a couple of your posts on being an unpublished writer and it was like you were writing right out of my head! If you've written a book, I think you're a writer! Publishing comes later. I have a children's novel that I'm trying to find an agent for right now as well, while I work on an adult novel at the moment. I treat writing as a real job, because if you don't, then you don't deserve it to be in my opinion. So I know your pain! I've had a little success in short story competitions and one commission for a short story anthology, but I'm still waiting for the agents to start ringing!

    I look forward to cheering you on your way. If you fancy popping by my blog, you're very welcome!

  2. Hi Chloe. How nice of Naomi to think to put us in contact - I didn't even realise she followed this blog! Encouragement is always welcome, as are stories of other writers playing the 'Find an Agent' game. I just followed your blog and will be sure to keep reading ^_^

  3. Go Simon! They should make a badge for the award so you can put it on your blog. Just for fun. I like badges. They are fun... :P
