
It's Not Yet Dark week!

I think it's fair to say that I have not been keeping this place very active, but I'm back, I've changed a few things around (see my swanky new Books and Other Writing sections? Yeah) and I'm getting back to posting. Most important of all - I have a new book out this week. Not Yet Dark has been a long time coming (sorry) but I am very excited about it, and can't wait for readers to get their hands on it. My publisher, Atom, have done a fantastic job on the cover, and as autumn creeps into the world, this strange little book's looking a lot more at home. First of all - here, have a look at THIS:

Nice, right? The artist's name is Rohan Daniel Eason and you can see more of his very good art at http://www.rohaneason.com. The back cover's just as good, I promise.

Here's the blurb:

'There are other places, Philippa. Other dreams and mirrors.'

15-year-olds Philippa and Danny have been best friends for years, but things are starting to change between them.
Danny has a new set of friends - the rugby boys - and suddenly whispers of 'Phil the Thrill' start to follow Philippa around school, and she knows exactly where those rumours started.
One evening, Philippa escapes to an abandoned seaside house to clear her head, but quickly discovers that she is far from alone. Not only has Danny secretly followed her, the two of them are about to witness something that will change their lives for ever.
A mysterious Society is meeting in the house to try to summon Death, and Danny and Philippa are caught up in their dark spell.
The pair manages to escape but they soon realise that they're being followed by two children who, as they begin to talk, claim to not be human. Where do these creatures really come from? And what is that they want?
What do they want? Well, I'm not going to tell you. The book's out in the UK this Thursday, October 5, and you can (pre)order it from many places by clicking on these links: Hive, Amazon, and Waterstones. It's always a strange time when a book - that's been in your head for so long - is finally out in the world for other people to have, but I'm thrilled it's happening, and feel very, very lucky right now.

It's going to be a strange week...