Happy new year, everyone. So, 2015 is here, and it's brought the cold with it. It's currently 10F here in New Jersey (that's -12C) and I'm fighting the temptation to go into hibernation. One of the things helping me keep going is the Very Exciting News that the US cover for my book,
Eren - coming out as
Tell The Story To Its End in the US - is ready and official and properly done.
So, I'm going to share it with you.
Tell The Story To Its End is coming out on June 9, 2015 (provisional) from St Martin's Griffin and, for those not familiar with the book...
People are keeping secrets from Oli. His mum has brought him to stay with his aunt and uncle in the countryside, but nobody will tell him why his dad where his father is. Why isn't he with them? Has something happened? Oli has a hundred questions, and only an old, empty house in the middle of an ancient forest for answers. But then he finds a secret of his own: there is a creature that lives in the attic…
Eren is not human.
Eren is hungry for stories.
Eren has been waiting for him.
Sharing his stories with Eren, Oli starts to make sense of what’s happening downstairs with his family. But what if it’s a trap? Soon, Oli must make a choice: learn the truth—or abandon himself to Eren’s world, forever.
I can't
wait for US readers to get their hands on it. I'm still so proud of this odd, scary, confusing boo. So far, people seem to like it. Actually going into a bookshop and being able to find it is going to be insane - I've not been able to do this yet, what with living in the US and
Eren coming out in the UK).
I'll probably grin a bit too much and scare away the booksellers.
Enough waffle, now. Time for the cover. HERE IT IS!
I know, right? LOOK AT IT. It's tremendously creepy and everyone at St Martin's has done a fantastic job. If you want, you can
pre-order the book already (that's a link to my publishers' site, with links to Amazon, IndieBound, Barnes & Noble, Powells, Walmart, etc). And, as ever, the UK version is
already out in hardback and ebook.
But wait, there's more! To celebrate all this, I'm going to give away two copies of the UK hardback, along with bookmarks and postcards, via Goodreads.
The giveaway is pending approval from the Goodreads Overlords - so check back, or keep your eyes peel on Twitter (I'm
EDIT: It's approved!
For those who wish, you can add
Tell The Story To Its End to your to-read pile by clicking
And ... that's it. Look at my cover! Tell your friends! Whisper nice things in hallways and dark rooms. Think about it and dream about it and, when the book comes out, do all those things again. 2015 is going to be very awesome.
Happy reading, all.