As you may know, I'm one part of a special group, We Are One Four, that's all about 2014 debut authors. The group's had a whole bunch of fun things happening recently, not least of which is that covers seem to be popping up all over the place. There's got to be something incredibly special about the cover of your first ever book (I assume. I mean, mine's coming soon, but it's not here yet. I know, I know - it's sad) - so, I'm bringing them all together for a glorious WAOF celebration. Huzzah!
This is Ryan's cover (and he announced yesterday that THERE WILL BE BEARS will be coming out in Germany, so expect a new cover for that exciting thing. Es gibt Bären sein? I don't know. I don't speak German.
Heidi's cover is totally different to Ryan's - but it looks just as striking. A real sense of adventure and action, right? Looks at those pirates. Look at that captain. There's even more on the back - including the dreaded crocodile. Can't wait to read the book.
Kat's cover has an incredible sense of brooding, right? My first thought, since I've read the synopsis for BLACKFIN SKY, was Who's the guy in the hat? I noticed the weather vane later on, and it's a great touch now that I've read the first few lines (which you can do too, if you know where to look).
Megan's cover came out a while back, and BETWEEN will be on shelves in July - so soon! She showed her cover over on WeAreOneFour, and I love the contrast of the top and the bottom - what does ti mean? What's going to happen? I don't know.
Kelsey did something especially interesting for her cover - a competition and a public vote to see what it should be. I've never seen that done - has anyone? - and the result, of course, is something extra special. I know she adores it and can't wait to share it with the world, and who can blame her? It's a dazzling piece.
What? Kat's only gone and got herself a US cover as well. Oh, yes. Is it terribly unBritish of me to say I might like this one even more? The whole thing - the circus, the title - invites you in to the story. Great job.
As for Eren ... well, watch this space.